Blog Post

Would you like some cheese with that whine?...

ugh. I feel the need to type a whiny message right now. I apologize to whomever may happen upon this. I am not usually a whiner. But living in a country where people don't understand how great the sport of motocross is...well, it down right sucks! If i didn't have my shoulda-been-sister Jordyn to fawn over this great sport with I think my head would explode. As much as I dearly love Canada, i really need to get out of here for a bit. It is extremely frustrating being so far away from the sport that you love and it is even more frustrating when all your parents and the rest of the Canadian population tell you that your dreams of working in the industry and stupid. bleck. makes me sick how unsupportive people can be. Whatever happened to telling kids to "shoot for the moon" and "dream big" and "don't let anyone tell you you can't"? So, if anyone happens to be out their, reading this pathetic excuse for a blog, and would like to help a sister out by giving her a job in the industry so that she can stick it to all the people who said she couldn't do it, it would be much appreaciated......

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