Dubya World Vet Nationals Preview

What's new at the Dubya World Vet Cham­pi­onships on November 6-8? They've added classes for the 65+ crowd!
In addi­tion to the Fri­day prac­tice ses­sions (you must be entered to par­tic­i­pate in the Fri­day prac­tices), a new set of classes has been
added to the pro­gram. With the large num­ber of +60 rid­ers, the classes have now been split into new 60–64 and 65–69 cat­e­gories.
Pre-entries for the World Vet Cham­pi­onships are open; you may enter online at glenhelen.com. This clas­sic event will include great rac­ing, a
fun vendor’s row, and the annual Edi­son Dye Life­time Motocross Achieve­ment Award pre­sen­ta­tion (this year pre­sented to Mam­moth Mountain’s Dave McCoy). Saturday’s events include the 40 Pro
race (which has a $2,000 purse), and Sunday’s rac­ing fea­tures the always com­pet­i­tive 30 Pro race (with a $4,000 purse). Rid­ers and spec­ta­tors are promised a great week­end of activ­i­ties and rac­ing!
Credit: Glen Helen Raceway

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