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Nascar, Motocross, and Advertisement....

Nascar is obviously a huge successful sport, and as motocross riders, we want the same for our sport. As a result, many influences have been pulled from Nascar and applied to supercross and motocross racing. This is great in many aspects, as it helps motocross progress forward, but where do we draw the line? Where do we decide to stick to our two wheeled roots, and let our four wheeled speed channel allies carve their own path?

I think one thing gets overlooked when motocross riders see the success of Nascar, and wonder why our sport hasn't experienced the same kind of success. Without trying to sound ethnocentric, we all know motocross and supercross are superior forms of racing. Not do discredit how well nascar drivers have perfected driving in ovals, but we have seen many top athletes in our sport cross over to four wheels and do extremely well, but what we haven't seen is someone come from four-wheeled racing and make the main in either a 250cc lites, or 450cc supercross class.

Here is one thing I believe motocross riders should take into consideration when trying to duplicate the success of nascar on two wheels: nascar has marketing opportunities written all over it. I believe the reason nascar has risen to the level of success it has, is because of its marketing opportunities, rather than its racing aspects.

Once you realize that television shows are not on television to entertain you, but to sell you products during commercials which fund the shows, the dots should connect, and people should realize why Nascar has become such a huge commercial success. Nascar is one big subliminal commercial with clearly visible logo'ed cars racing around in circles, selling consumers products, between commercials that fund the show, that... sell consumers products. Judging by the economic laws of the almighty dollar, nascar seems like it was destined to see this kind of success since the invention of the television.

If motocross logos on bikes and jersey's were as visible as nascar logos, and if nascar logos were as invisible as motocross logos on bikes and jersey's, we would probably see our sport filling the shoes of nascar, and vice versa.

What does this mean for motocross?

I don't know... but I think it's important to realize the main reason nascar has reached the success it has; though I do give them credit though, for having such unpredictable racing. I believe this understanding is somewhat important in bringing supercross to the next level, because if it is going to reach that next level, the motocross industry needs to be aware, and push the superior motorsport forward in their own unique terms.

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